- Java / J2EE Job oriented Training Online
- Instructor Led – Face2Face True Live Online class.
- More interaction with student to faculty and student to student.
- Detailed presentations. Soft copy of Materiel to refer any time.
- Practical oriented / Job oriented Training. Practice on Software Tools & Real Time project scenarios.
- Weekly mock interviews / group discussions / interview related questions.
- Test Lab is in Cloud Technology – to practice on software tools.
- Pay one time fee & repeat attending classes multiple times until student is comfortable with every topic. This feature is helpful to students who are new to I.T. Field. Depends on the batch schedule and student convenient, Student can repeat Weekend or Weekday batches and review the topic multiple times.
- Java/J2EE training classes are 80+ hours.
- We discuss about the real time project domains in Banking/Financial, Telecom, Supply Chain Management, CRM, Health care and other domains.
- We provide Recorded Videos for every class to review before and after the live class.
- The teaching methods / tools / topics we chosen are based on the current competitive job market.
- More H2Kinfosys training Advantages
Java / J2EE Course Details at a Higher Level:
Module 1:
- Core Java, JDBC
Module 2:
- J2EE Concepts, Servlets, JSP, EL Expressions
Module 3:
- XML, Struts MVC Framework
Module 4:
- Hibernate ORM Technology
Module 5:
- Spring Framework
Module 6:
- Web Services, Design Patterns
Module 7:
- JMS, JNDI, EJB, Ant, Ajax
Module 8:
- Application Servers, CVS, JUnit
Module – 1 Core Java, JDBC , Reflection
- Session-1
- What is JAVA
- Hello World Program
- Object Oriented Programming
- Concepts
- Session-2
- Java Data Types
- Control Statements
- Session-3
- Classes and Objects
- What is Constructors /Overloading
- Inner Classes
- Session-4
- Inheritance/super/final keywords
- Session-5
- Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- Session-6
- Interfaces/abstract class
- Packages
- Session-7
- Exception Handling Hierarchy
- Exception Handling Programs
- Session-8
- Threads/Runnable Interface
- Synchronization
- Dead Lock
- Session-9
- IO Streams
- Read and Write from/to a file
- Serializable Interface
- Session-10
- Collection Framework
- Collection Hierarchy
- Generics
- Session-11
- Database setup(MySQL/OracleXE)
- JDBC architecture & Driver Types
- CRUD Operations on DB
- Session-12
- Reflection Framework Examples on Reflections
Module – 2 J2EE Concepts/Servlets/JSP/Expression Lang
- Session-13
- J2EE Concepts/Servlets/JSP/Expression Lang
- Install Web Server (Tomcat)
- Web Application packaging structure
- Servlet Life cycle
- Servlet Configurations and Context
- Servlet Request/Response Object
- Session-14
- Servlet Filters
- Session Management
- Servlet Communication
- response/application/session : setAttribute
- Session -15
- JSP Technology and Life Cycle
- JSP vs Servlet
- JSP implicit Objects
- Handling Errors in JSP
- Expression Language
- Session-16
- MVC Architecture
- Mini MVC project using above technologies
- JavaScript
- Session-17
- What’s XML and its use
- Validate xml using XSD/DTD
- XML Parsing using SAX/DOM Parsers
Module – 3 Hibernate ORM Framework
- Session-18
- Hibernate Overview
- JDBC vs ORM Framework
- Hibernate Configuration
- Hibernate Program
- Session-19
- Hibernate hbm and cfg file
- Read and Save Data using Hibernate
- Session-20
- Hibernate Associations
- Hibernate Criteria/Projection
- Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
- Session-21
- Hibernate Alogirthms for Primary Key
Module – 4 Spring Framework With Spring Boot
Module – 5 WebServices/Design Patterns
Module – 6 JMS/Maven/Log4J
Module – 7 Version Control/Unit Testing
Module – 8 ReactJS
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