Financial management is an important aspect of a business. Many a time, the success or failure of a business will be largely dependent on how the financial matters are managed within the business. Financial management provides manager with the corridor to accomplish the goals and objectives of a business organization. Introduction to financial management is a foundation course designed for those who are new to the world of finance. The course covers essential ‘need to know stuff for beginners in the area of financial management. The course exposes learners to the world of finance and shows why the financial manager is a game-changer in the business world. Certainly, this course is a building block for those who are seeking to continue their learning journey towards advanced financial management. Upon the completion of this course, you are expected to have a solid understanding of some of the critical aspects like goals of financial management, the role of the financial manager, scope of financial management, agent-principal relationship, safety for business investments and many other essential aspects of financial management.
Concept of Finance
Broad Areas of Finance
Financial Management in Business
Goals of Financial Management-Profit
Goals of Financial Management-Wealth
Scope of Financial Management
Functions of Financial Manager
Principal - Agent Relationship
Financial System
Security For Investments in Business