It provides a comprehensive overview of the essential concepts readersmust
know as they pursue careers in cybersecurity systems. Part one
opens with a discussion of the new cybersecurity risks, threats, and vulnerabilities
associated with the transformation to a digital world, including a look at how
business, government, and individuals operate today. Part Two is adapted for the
official (ISC)2 SSCP Certified Body of Knowledge and presents a high-level overview
of each of the seven domains within the System Security Certified Practitioner
certification. The text closes with a resource for readers who desire additional
material on cybersecurity standards, education, professional certifications, and
compliance laws.
Course Learning Outcomes
- » Analyze the concepts of information systems security as applied to an IT infrastructure
- » Describe how malicious attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities impact an IT infrastructure
- Defend the role of access controls in implementing a security policy
- » Explain the role of operations and administration in effectively implementing a security policy
- » Prioritize the importance of security audits, testing, and monitoring to effective security policies
- » Describe the principles of risk management, common response techniques, and issues related to the recovery of IT systems
- » Explain how businesses apply cryptography in maintaining information security
- » Analyze the importance of network principles and architecture to security operations
- » Explain the means attackers use to compromise systems and networks and defenses used by organizations
- » Apply international and domestic information security standards and compliance laws to real-world implementation in both the private and public sector