This course will get you started with cloud computing using AWS. You will learn the importance of Availability Zones and Regions. Going forward, you will understand the ins and outs of AWS EC2 instance and load balancing.
The course will expose you to creating containers with EC2 service, EKS, and Fargate.
Speaking of storage, we will teach you how to use Amazon S3 for object storage, EFS and FSx for file storage, and EBS for block storage.
Having a solid understanding of databases in cloud computing is critical. You will learn about relational databases using AWS services such as Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS.
We also discuss how to implement encryption, identity, access management, and monitoring. By the end of the tutorial, you will have sufficient knowledge and skill to ace the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.
Module - 1 Cloud Basics
Module - 2 AWS Account Setup
Module - 3 AWS Basics
Module - 4 Identity Access management
Module - 5 Elastic Compute Cloud
- EC2 Overview.
- Creating an Ec2(ubuntu, Redhat, Windows).
- How to SSH.
- Instance Type, Security Group, key pairs.
- Hosting a website in Ec2 using apache webserver.
- Public, Private, and Elastic IP.
- EC2 User Data.
- EC2 Placement Groups.
- EBS and Snapshots.
- EBS vs Instance Store.
- AMI Creation-EC2 Creation.
- Hands-on Tasks
Module - 6 Relational Database Service
Module - 7 Application
Module - 8 Project