Appium is an open source test automation tool for mobile applications. It is used for native app testing, hybrid app testing, and mobile web app testing. It supports running the apps on Android emulators, iOS simulators and real devices with Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac operating systems.
The mobile testing course is intended to provide hands-on training on Mobile testing using Appium. This course will cover all the basic concepts of automation testing of mobile applications. The key objectives of this course are: To provide you a good understanding of the Mobile testing skills using appium.
Introduction to Appium
Appium installation on windows for Android automation
Appium First program
Native APPS Automation
Advanced Gestures automation with Key events handling
Web APPS Automation
- Configuring real device to system for running appium tests
- Exercise on real device-Native APPS automation
- Desired capabilites for real device execution
- Important things to know when executing on – emulator device
- Mobile Browser Configuration setup for Appium Tests
- Mobile Browser Configuration setup for Appium Tests
- Practice and write automation test cases
Problems and solutions with Mobile browsers
Hybrid APPS automation
Appium framework-using TestNG basics
Data diriving from excel for Appium Test cases
Java OOPS basics for Appium/Selenium
Appium Installation on MAC for IOS Automation
IOS Automation with Appium on MAC
Mobile Cloud Testing with Appium
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